Digital Books


You have access to hundreds of titles 24/7 with our new digital library, OverDrive!

Use this link and sign in with your school email, enter your password (use your school password MINUS the zero's) and you are in.  If you want to be able to listen to audio books, or read on any device, anytime, anywhere, you will have to download the OverDrive App available here:  OverDrive App

If you need help, ask your teacher or the librarians.

You can find OverDrive here

Staff Login:

Username: full school email address

Password: school employee number found on your pay stub.


Open a world of reading.

Try Sora, the new reading app for students, by OverDrive.

Borrow eBooks and audiobooks from your school's library with Sora. Setup is simple - just find your school and sign in. Then download or stream your assignments and favorite books to your device.